Part 4: Modern productions of Jonny Spielt Auf, the Good, the Bad, and the Cringeworthy

In part 1, I show how blackface is a still a tradition used in modern opera productions. Part 2 covers the minstrel roots of Jonny Spielt Auf. Part 3 covers the Nazi reaction to Jonny Spielt Auf and how it became the face of Entartete Musik (degenerate music). With this problematic background, how modern operaContinue reading “Part 4: Modern productions of Jonny Spielt Auf, the Good, the Bad, and the Cringeworthy”

Part 3: How Jonny Spielt Auf became the face of Entartete Musik (Degenerate Music) in the Third Reich

In Part 2, I covered how Jonny Spielt Auf is directly related to the American Minstrelsy and blackface traditions. But before we can get into the details of Nazi’s reaction to this opera, we have to cover the plot. From the poster and all material, it seems like the opera is centered on Jonny, theContinue reading “Part 3: How Jonny Spielt Auf became the face of Entartete Musik (Degenerate Music) in the Third Reich”